Whether you are looking for autocomplete search, GEO search, aggregated search, Needletail has you covered. Our analytics dashboard gives you insight in the search behaviour of your visitors.
With data centers in Europe, Southeast Asia and the USA your application has global coverage. Also, your data is located at multiple locations to ensure your data is safe.
Use our packages to get going in minutes. We have ready to go packages for PHP , Javascript , Python , VUE and JAVA . We also have an integration for Laravel Scout.
A bucket is a collection of documents or records. Your Needletail app can contain multiple buckets.
One app can contain multiple buckets. This enables you to index and structure all your application's channels. You can search a single bucket or do a combined search across multiple buckets.
With Needletail you can work with multiple accounts on a single application.
Secure your application with the use of private API keys.
Tell us which query needs to be executed each time a private key is being used. For example, only return results that match a certain customer ID.
Manage your synonyms and alternatives with the API or use the buckets dashboard.
One app can contain multiple buckets. This enables you to index and structure all your application's channels. You can search a single bucket or do a combined search across multiple buckets.
Needletail gives you the ability to show relevant search results based on GEO search and other criteria.